GlycoZoo Case Study
January 2014
A 5 year-old female spayed cocker spaniel presented for a routine annual veterinary examination. On physical examination, she had grade 2/4 dental disease, a greasy, malodorous coat with generalized scaling and was slightly overweight. The owner reported that that patient was not pruritic but did notice that she smelled badly.
Skin cytology and skin scraping were performed and found to be negative. Blood work (including a thyroid level) and a urinalysis were submitted to the laboratory, and returned normal besides a slightly elevated Alkaline Phosphatase (ALKP), which was attributed to the dental disease. A DTM was also performed and negative results were obtained a few weeks later.
The patient was diagnosed with a mild form of seborrhea oleosa (greasy seborrhea) and was sent home with GlycoZoo Shampoo and Spray Conditioner to be used 2-3 times a week for 3 weeks, until re-check. The owner was instructed to lather, massage, and then allow skin contact time of at least 10 minutes before rinsing the GlycoZoo Shampoo. The GlycoZoo Spray Conditioner is leave-in, dry-on and may be used after bathing (as was done in this case) or alone.
Seborrhea is an inherited disorder of keratinization. Seborrhea (excessive scaling) is associated with abnormal (accelerated) epidermal turnover which gives rise to excessive scaling. Seborrhea oleosa (greasy seborrhea) is typified by greasy skin and haircoat, a malodor, and brown-yellow scales and sebum that clump to the hair and skin.
Keratolytic agents, such as Glycolic Acid, may be used to treat seborrhea complex. Keratolytic agents loosen adhesion between cells in the epithelium and facilitate cell shedding (removal of excess scale).
The patient returned for a dental 3 weeks later and the coat was significantly improved with decreased scaling, and no odor or greasiness appreciated. The Glycolic Acid worked to exfoliate the excess dead skin cells as a result of the seborrhea, and the drying effects of the Boric Acid helped to degrease the skin and coat. Both ingredients helped to remove the odor.
A routine dental under general anesthesia was performed with no extractions and the patient was sent home with T/Edta/C Dental Wipes to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen at home.
The owner was also instructed to use the GlycoZoo Shampoo and Spray Conditioner weekly for maintenance to keep the skin and coat healthy.
What is Glycolic Acid?
Glycolic Acid is the current gold standard in chemical exfoliants available within the human dermatology market. It is a gentle yet effective acid from the Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) family and derived from sugar cane. It is the smallest molecule of the Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) family and this is one of reason it’s such a great chemical exfoliant. It dissolves the glue between the dead cells in the upper most layer of the epidermis, which then causes those excess dulling, clogging and unhealthy dead cells to fall off; which is the definition of exfoliation: the removal of dead cells. This information was obtained from, Dr. Neal Schultz, M.D..
GlycoZoo Dermatology Products utilize 2% glycolic and boric acids with ceramides, and are available in shampoo, spray, wipes and otic. GlycoZoo has now introduced the “gold standard of chemical exfoliants” to the veterinary market.
GlycoZoo products may be used for maintenance, deodorizing and also to aid in the topical treatment of seborrhea complex and other conditions where Glycolic Acid and/or Boric Acid may be beneficial. Ceramides aid in restoring moisture to dry and damaged skin.