INGREDIENTS: 1% Glycolic Acid, 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, and Ceramides
GLYCOLIC ACID: Keratolytic: smoothing and softening the skin; Epidermotrophic; Lipolytic; Improved over older alpha- hydroxy acid (lactic) formulations.
CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE: Degreasing, follicular flushing, drying, antimicrobial, and has keratolytic effect1
CERAMIDES: aid in restoring moisture to dry and damaged skin.
USES: Aids in the topical treatment of conditions responsive to a broad spectrum shampoo with the rejuvenating benefits Glycolic Acid and and antimicrobial benefits of Chlorhexidine. Ceramides aid in restoring moisture to dry and damaged skin.
Available in an 8 oz bottle.