DermaZoo is proud to announce several product lines offering innovative products.
The OtoPet video otoscopy system is a product of DermaZoo Pharmaceuticals.
Gly4ChlorTM Shampoo with 1% Glycolic Acid, 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Ceramides
GlyChlorKTM Shampoo with 1% Glycolic Acid, 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, 1% Ketoconazole, Ceramides
GlycoBenzTM Shampoo with 1% Glycolic Acid and 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide.
GlycoZooTM line of veterinary dermatology products (utilizing Glycolic and Boric Acids): GlycoZooTM Shampoo, GlycoZooTM Otic
The TrisDentTM Dental Products line contains Tris-Edta and Chlorhexidine, and includes TrisDentTM Water Additive, TrisDentTM Rinse, TrisDentTM Gel & TrisDentTM Chew.
KCTM Oto-Pack thermally activated gel with 0.15% Ketoconazole, and 1.0% Hydrocortisone
TrisOphthoTM Wipes helps to remove tear stains
DermaFlushTM Premixed Saline Packets are Sodium Chloride crystals with Boric Acid; providing an economic, convenient and easy-to-travel form of saline when added to water.